Siya Kolisi – The True Story

BobbyCape Town, Clients Only, Everything Lamb, Spit braai, Uncategorized

Siya Kolisi – its always nice to have a Springbok using your product unsolicited, but what makes this one more special, is the true story behind the man; Siyamthanda Kolisi. A story of a boy that came from nothing, in the townships of South Africa, was forced to fight most of life’s greatest obstacles, and yet still managed to rise above it all and eventually represent the jersey & badge that so many South Africans hold very dear to their hearts. It’s a story for inspiration. If life has been throwing you a few curve balls of late, I hope this story will inspire you to believe that no matter what; you can.

Siya Kolisi the True Story

This 18 page .pdf e-book [African Bomber – The True Story of Siya Kolisi] is published by Union Sports Mag. If you’re a rugby fan, follow them on Twitter @UnionSportsMag for a behind the scenes look at rugby players & their lives off the field.

Here’s Siya Kolisi with his Spit Braai Delivery

Siya Kolisi – The True Story

Siya Kolisi The Ture Story - Download pdf


Union Sports Mag
Words: Angus Powers
Photography: Karl Schoemaker
Design: Emil Papp